
Aug 26th, 2023

Workshop and showcase of CommMA students and PGVIM students

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CommMA students and Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music (PGVIM) students participated in the workshop and showcase “See there, Hear Here” organised by Mieko Kanno, Santi Lawrachawee and Juthamas Tangsantikul. Students of both schools got a chance to exchange about image and music and learned from the moderators about the use of time in music and design, the difference between duration and rhythm, and shared ideas about balance in both the process of making image and music.

The results from the workshop has been showcased on August 26th, 2023 as part of the 10th International Symposium of Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music.

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Tel & Fax: +662 218 4492

CommMA Chulalongkorn University,
Department of Industrial Design
Phayathai Road, Patumwan
Bangkok 10330 Thailand

© CommMA 2025

International Program in Communication Design, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University. Phayathai Road, Patumwan Bangkok 10330 Thailand.